97 research outputs found

    Agent-Based Aplications for the Smart Grid--A Playground for Agreement Tecnologies

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    Agreement Technologies (AT) refer to computer systems in which autonomous software agents negotiate with one another, typically on behalf of humans, in order to come to mutually acceptable agreements. The talk first briefly delineates the emerging field of AT, and then points to several case studies showing how findings from the field of AT can be used for building advanced applications for the Smart Grid.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Knowledge Modelling in Multiagent Systems: The Case of the Management of a National Network

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    This paper presents the knowledge model of a distributed decision support system, that has been designed for the management of a national network in Ukraine. It shows how advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (multiagent systems and knowledge modelling) have been applied to solve this real-world decision support problem: on the one hand its distributed nature, implied by different loci of decision-making at the network nodes, suggested to apply a multiagent solution; on the other, due to the complexity of problem-solving for local network administration, it was useful to apply knowledge modelling techniques, in order to structure the different knowledge types and reasoning processes involved. The paper sets out from a description of our particular management problem. Subsequently, our agent model is described, pointing out the local problem-solving and coordination knowledge models. Finally, the dynamics of the approach is illustrated by an example

    Engineering Agent Systems for Decision Support

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    This paper discusses how agent technology can be applied to the design of advanced Information Systems for Decision Support. In particular, it describes the different steps and models that are necessary to engineer Decision Support Systems based on a multiagent architecture. The approach is illustrated by a case study in the traffic management domain

    Taxi dispatching strategies with compensations

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    [EN] Urban mobility efficiency is of utmost importance in big cities. Taxi vehicles are key elements in daily traffic activity. The advance of ICT and geo-positioning systems has given rise to new opportunities for improving the efficiency of taxi fleets in terms of waiting times of passengers, cost and time for drivers, traffic density, CO2 emissions, etc., by using more informed, intelligent dispatching. Still, the explicit spatial and temporal components, as well as the scale and, in particular, the dynamicity of the problem of pairing passengers and taxis in big towns, render traditional approaches for solving standard assignment problem useless for this purpose, and call for intelligent approximation strategies based on domain-specific heuristics. Furthermore, taxi drivers are often autonomous actors and may not agree to participate in assignments that, though globally efficient, may not be sufficently beneficial for them individually. This paper presents a new heuristic algorithm for taxi assignment to customers that considers taxi reassignments if this may lead to globally better solutions. In addition, as such new assignments may reduce the expected revenues of individual drivers, we propose an economic compensation scheme to make individually rational drivers agree to proposed modifications in their assigned clients. We carried out a set of experiments, where several commonly used assignment strategies are compared to three different instantiations of our heuristic algorithm. The results indicate that our proposal has the potential to reduce customer waiting times in fleets of autonomous taxis, while being also beneficial from an economic point of view.This work was supported by the Autonomous Region of Madrid (grant "MOSI-AGIL-CM" (S2013/ICE-3019) co-funded by EU Structural Funds FSE and FEDER), project "SURF" (TIN2015-65515-C4-X-R (MINECO/FEDER)) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and through the Excellence Research Group GES2ME (Ref. 30VCPIGI05) co-funded by URJC and Santander Bank.Billhardt, H.; Fernandez Gil, A.; Ossowski, S.; Palanca Cámara, J.; Bajo, J. (2019). Taxi dispatching strategies with compensations. Expert Systems with Applications. 122:173-182. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2019.01.001S17318212

    Smart Cyber Victimization Discovery on Twitter

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    [EN] The advancement of technologies, the promotion of smart-phones, and social networking have led to a high tendency among users to spend more time online interacting with each other via the available technologies. This is because they help overcome physical limitations and save time and energy by doing everything online. The rapid growth in this tendency has created the need for extra protection, by creating new rules and policies. However, sometimes users interrupt these rules and policies through unethical behavior. For example, bullying on social media platforms is a type of cyber victimization that can cause serious harm to individuals, leading to suicide. A firm step towards protecting the cyber society from victimization is to detect the topics that trigger the feeling of being a victim. In this paper, the focus is on Twitter, but it can be expanded to other platforms. The proposed method discovers cyber victimization by detecting the type of behavior leading to them being a victim. It consists of a text classification model, that is trained with a collected dataset of the official news since 2000, about suicide, self-harm, and cyberbullying. Results show that LinearSVC performs slightly better with an accuracy of 96%.This research has been supported by the project "Intelligent and sustainable mobility supported by multi-agent systems and edge computing (InEDGE-Mobility): Towards Sustainable Intelligent Mobility: Blockchain-based framework for IoT Security", Reference: RTI2018-095390-B-C31/32/33, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), the State Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).Shoeibi, N.; Shoeibi, N.; Julian, V.; Ossowski, S.; González Arrieta, A.; Chamoso, P. (2021). Smart Cyber Victimization Discovery on Twitter. Springer. 289-299. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78901-5_2528929

    Dynamic coordination in fleet management systems: Toward smart cyber fleets

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    Fleet management systems are commonly used to coordinate mobility and delivery services in a broad variety of domains. However, their traditional top-down control architecture becomes a bottleneck in open and dynamic environments, where scalability, proactiveness, and autonomy are becoming key factors for their success. Here, the authors present an abstract event-based architecture for fleet management systems that supports tailoring dynamic control regimes for coordinating fleet vehicles, and illustrate it for the case of medical emergency management. Then, they go one step ahead in the transition toward automatic or driverless fleets, by conceiving fleet management systems in terms of cyber-physical systems, and putting forward the notion of cyber fleets. © 2014 IEEE.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the projects “Agreement Technologies” (grant CSD2007-0022; CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010), “intelligent Human-Agent Societies” (grant TIN2012-36586-C03-02), and “Smart Delivery” (grant RTC-2014-1850-4).Peer Reviewe

    El papel de las tecnologías del acuerdo en la definición de arquitecturas de software adaptativas

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    La creciente complejidad de los sistemas de software está originando que las estrategias de desarrollo y mantenimiento sean re-concebidos. Una tendencia es que gran parte de estas tareas deberían ser realizadas por los propios sistemas relevando de ellas al ser humano. Esto lleva a considerar a la auto-adaptación de sistemas como una cuestión básica de arquitectura. Al mismo tiempo, los sistemas multiagentes se han desarrollado como un enfoque genérico para resolver problemas complejos. En ellos se describen estructuras auto-conscientes, son concebidos para ser flexibles y capaces de adaptarse a diferentes situaciones. Ciertos enfoques avanzados recurren al concepto de organizaciones para proveer nuevas estructuras, tomando la forma de arquitecturas complejas. Entre ellos, las Tecnologías del Acuerdo proporcionan una visión explícita de esas abstracciones arquitectónicas. Sin embargo, aún no proveen mecanismos para cambiar sus patrones de composición y tipos de elementos, necesarios para lograr una auto-adaptabilidad real. En este trabajo se propone una solución arquitectónica: el dinamismo requerido será soportado por un acuerdo emergente – una estructura arquitectónica evolutiva, basada en la combinación de controles y protocolos predefinidos. Estos son tratados en el contexto de un marco orientado a servicios, basado en agentes y centrado en organizaciones, definido en las Tecnologías del Acuerdo y provisto por la implementación en la plataforma THOMAS. El trabajo proporciona las primeras abstracciones arquitectónicas para soportar esta estructura emergente. Se presenta también un ejemplo del mundo real para demostrar la utilidad de este enfoque y finalmente se tienen algunas conclusiones acerca de su aplicabilidad.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    El acuerdo como arquitectura adaptativa para sistemas multiagente abiertos

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    Los sistemas multiagente son cada vez más populares para la resolución de problemas complejos. Sin embargo, la flexibilidad y adaptabilidad frecuentemente se ven comprometidos por la necesidad de alcanzar una coordinación interna. En este trabajo se plantea una solución arquitectónica, como una nueva construcción, el acuerdo, diseñada para ser adaptativa. En la primera parte del trabajo se discute el problema de la coordinación y algunas de sus soluciones tradicionales. Luego se describe una arquitectura base que incluye organizaciones y servicios. Seguidamente se trata el concepto del acuerdo esbozado en un conjunto de capas lógicas y como facetas entrelazadas. Luego se presenta un caso de estudio en el dominio de las emergencias médicas donde se aplica el modelo del acuerdo y se hace énfasis en algunos requisitos para que la evolución de la configuración del sistema pase de dirigida a emergente. Finalmente se indican algunas líneas de trabajo futuro.VI Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    El acuerdo como arquitectura adaptativa para sistemas multiagente abiertos

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    Los sistemas multiagente son cada vez más populares para la resolución de problemas complejos. Sin embargo, la flexibilidad y adaptabilidad frecuentemente se ven comprometidos por la necesidad de alcanzar una coordinación interna. En este trabajo se plantea una solución arquitectónica, como una nueva construcción, el acuerdo, diseñada para ser adaptativa. En la primera parte del trabajo se discute el problema de la coordinación y algunas de sus soluciones tradicionales. Luego se describe una arquitectura base que incluye organizaciones y servicios. Seguidamente se trata el concepto del acuerdo esbozado en un conjunto de capas lógicas y como facetas entrelazadas. Luego se presenta un caso de estudio en el dominio de las emergencias médicas donde se aplica el modelo del acuerdo y se hace énfasis en algunos requisitos para que la evolución de la configuración del sistema pase de dirigida a emergente. Finalmente se indican algunas líneas de trabajo futuro.VI Workshop Ingeniería de Software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI